Words Flying Off The Page
By Mark Flippo
Matthew 28:19 - Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
This Gospel was never to be kept to ourselves but to share it with all who will listen! When you speak in Truth, revelation can come to the person you are witnessing to like words flying off the page! If they are closed off and will not listen, God can show you that before you ever try to help them understand. It is your responsibility to learn to listen to how God impresses you! If you try witnessing without God's blessings' you can turn them into a more hardened heart than they already are. That will be on your shoulders. Learn Wisdom at your Father's feet. He will teach a willing heart. Are you a willing vessel? Be humble before Him and He will exalt you in due season!
By Mark Flippo
Matthew 28:19 - Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
This Gospel was never to be kept to ourselves but to share it with all who will listen! When you speak in Truth, revelation can come to the person you are witnessing to like words flying off the page! If they are closed off and will not listen, God can show you that before you ever try to help them understand. It is your responsibility to learn to listen to how God impresses you! If you try witnessing without God's blessings' you can turn them into a more hardened heart than they already are. That will be on your shoulders. Learn Wisdom at your Father's feet. He will teach a willing heart. Are you a willing vessel? Be humble before Him and He will exalt you in due season!