Never Another Like Him
By Mark Flippo
2 Corinthians 11:4
For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily.
Many have claimed to be a messenger from God. They have lead many astray. They start out seemly good but slowly change to show their true self. They became cults. The People's Temple in Jonestown, Africa 918 died. Waco Texas 76 died. Heaven's Gate 39 died. These are only three examples.
Make sure when you hear that someone says they are from God maybe you should ask them which god? So many do not serve Jesus Christ. They can fool you into following the person. We have this need inside of us to be part of something that is bigger than us. That is how many fall in with these false teachers. Pray and then pray some more before you ever get involved with any group! Let God show you that there is only one Truth, His!
By Mark Flippo
2 Corinthians 11:4
For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily.
Many have claimed to be a messenger from God. They have lead many astray. They start out seemly good but slowly change to show their true self. They became cults. The People's Temple in Jonestown, Africa 918 died. Waco Texas 76 died. Heaven's Gate 39 died. These are only three examples.
Make sure when you hear that someone says they are from God maybe you should ask them which god? So many do not serve Jesus Christ. They can fool you into following the person. We have this need inside of us to be part of something that is bigger than us. That is how many fall in with these false teachers. Pray and then pray some more before you ever get involved with any group! Let God show you that there is only one Truth, His!