Thinking Outside The Box
By Mark Flippo
This is a genius way to dry your boots! It is amazing that necessity is the mother of invention, so I have heard! When we put our mind to a problem we can find a solution most of the time. Of course it is easier to ask God for the answer and it can come much faster! There are problems that only He can solve. Whatever God gives you spiritually will be more than enough to bring a right conclusion to what is troubling you. He helps you think things through. Now He may even give you multiple answers on how to proceed. Trust Him to guide you through.
By Mark Flippo
This is a genius way to dry your boots! It is amazing that necessity is the mother of invention, so I have heard! When we put our mind to a problem we can find a solution most of the time. Of course it is easier to ask God for the answer and it can come much faster! There are problems that only He can solve. Whatever God gives you spiritually will be more than enough to bring a right conclusion to what is troubling you. He helps you think things through. Now He may even give you multiple answers on how to proceed. Trust Him to guide you through.