A Wider Vision
By Mark Flippo
If we reflect on the stories of Biblical Angels, as we see in stories like Elijah’s, messages often come when we need them most, but rather than providing answers, or solutions, Biblical Angels typically offer us fortitude, strength, and the guidance we need to complete our spiritual journeys and appreciate the human experience. This is showing us that any Messager of God does the work of an Angel. Whether a Pastor, Evangelist. Friend under the anointing all represent the work of an Angel! It will not always be a Spiritual Creature. Be open to what you receive from God no matter the source it comes from! Just sort it through His Holy Spirit. Let's walk carefully before God! He will lead and guide you even if it is unexpected!
By Mark Flippo
If we reflect on the stories of Biblical Angels, as we see in stories like Elijah’s, messages often come when we need them most, but rather than providing answers, or solutions, Biblical Angels typically offer us fortitude, strength, and the guidance we need to complete our spiritual journeys and appreciate the human experience. This is showing us that any Messager of God does the work of an Angel. Whether a Pastor, Evangelist. Friend under the anointing all represent the work of an Angel! It will not always be a Spiritual Creature. Be open to what you receive from God no matter the source it comes from! Just sort it through His Holy Spirit. Let's walk carefully before God! He will lead and guide you even if it is unexpected!