Study His Word
By Mark Flippo
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Do you understand this scripture? The first part of it is letting us know the importance of studying His Word. Now for the last part. When you are asked something referring to the scripture He does not want you to look foolish. If you claim to be His Child then you should know His Word. Anyone that becomes involved with any group must understand what they believe.
I could name many groups and their members all say the same thing as far as their goals and thoughts toward any important thinking of the day. True Christians should have a firm grasp of the scriptures. You need to be ready to answer anything that is asked of you. Now there will be times you need to ask your pastor before you answer them.
That is OK. You are showing respect toward the shepherd of your flock. Praying about the answer will go a long way in receiving your answer. If it seems hard to understand scripture, you are not alone. I have struggled as well as most of the people I know. Other translations can help but just read them with a Discerning Spirit. They can make The King James Bible a little easier to understand. Use all the resources that are trust able to help you grow in the LORD! Prayer first of all! Love you'll!
By Mark Flippo
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Do you understand this scripture? The first part of it is letting us know the importance of studying His Word. Now for the last part. When you are asked something referring to the scripture He does not want you to look foolish. If you claim to be His Child then you should know His Word. Anyone that becomes involved with any group must understand what they believe.
I could name many groups and their members all say the same thing as far as their goals and thoughts toward any important thinking of the day. True Christians should have a firm grasp of the scriptures. You need to be ready to answer anything that is asked of you. Now there will be times you need to ask your pastor before you answer them.
That is OK. You are showing respect toward the shepherd of your flock. Praying about the answer will go a long way in receiving your answer. If it seems hard to understand scripture, you are not alone. I have struggled as well as most of the people I know. Other translations can help but just read them with a Discerning Spirit. They can make The King James Bible a little easier to understand. Use all the resources that are trust able to help you grow in the LORD! Prayer first of all! Love you'll!