Road Closed Ahead
By Mark Flippo
Sometimes we are moving too fast to read the warning signs. Our lives are lived at such a fast pace that we barely have time to breath let alone time to think about so many things. Do you spend more time in your car running from one thing or another? If you have teenagers all you have become to them is an ATM, driver or someone they want to argue with all the time! God tries to talk to you but your mind is cluttered with life that you can barely hear His Still Small Voice! Don't let
the trials and cares of this present world make your hearing dull! You must for your sake and all who know you stay on a steady and Faithful path to Jesus! Your reward is ahead, and your sin is past! Give all your trials to Jesus who will set you free!
By Mark Flippo
Sometimes we are moving too fast to read the warning signs. Our lives are lived at such a fast pace that we barely have time to breath let alone time to think about so many things. Do you spend more time in your car running from one thing or another? If you have teenagers all you have become to them is an ATM, driver or someone they want to argue with all the time! God tries to talk to you but your mind is cluttered with life that you can barely hear His Still Small Voice! Don't let
the trials and cares of this present world make your hearing dull! You must for your sake and all who know you stay on a steady and Faithful path to Jesus! Your reward is ahead, and your sin is past! Give all your trials to Jesus who will set you free!