Tortoise Formation
By Marian Flippo
In Ancient Roman warfare, the testudo or tortoise formation was a formation used commonly by the Roman Legions during battles, particularly sieges. Testudo is the Latin word for "tortoise". In the testudo formation, the men would align their shields to form a packed formation covered with shields on the front and top. The first row of men, possibly excluding the men on the flanks, would hold their shields from about the height of their shins to their eyes, so as to cover the formation's front. The shields would be held in such a way that they presented a shield wall to all sides. The men in the back ranks would place their shields over their heads to protect the formation from above, balancing the shields on their helmets, overlapping them. If necessary, the legionaries on the sides and rear of the formation could stand sideways or backwards with shields held as the front rows, so as to protect the formation's sides and rear.
In the Whole Armor of God, the Shield of Faith was the object of the lesson I was preparing. The Lord gave me an excellent understanding of how the Shield of Faith is used in a corporate setting. When prayer has been requested by an individual, the above tortoise formation is in actuality used in the Spirit by the body of Christ. We put into service our shields believing with and protecting not only the one in need of prayer but also those praying with that person. This produces a Barrier of Faith in the Spirit that only the Lord Jesus can penetrate.
No other force on this earth can disrupt the power of Faith.
My prayer is that this would help you understand the major importance of Shield of Faith in the Tortoise Formation. Especially how it affects each one of us.... Why?.... because at one time or another each of us will be the one in need of prayer.
By Marian Flippo
In Ancient Roman warfare, the testudo or tortoise formation was a formation used commonly by the Roman Legions during battles, particularly sieges. Testudo is the Latin word for "tortoise". In the testudo formation, the men would align their shields to form a packed formation covered with shields on the front and top. The first row of men, possibly excluding the men on the flanks, would hold their shields from about the height of their shins to their eyes, so as to cover the formation's front. The shields would be held in such a way that they presented a shield wall to all sides. The men in the back ranks would place their shields over their heads to protect the formation from above, balancing the shields on their helmets, overlapping them. If necessary, the legionaries on the sides and rear of the formation could stand sideways or backwards with shields held as the front rows, so as to protect the formation's sides and rear.
In the Whole Armor of God, the Shield of Faith was the object of the lesson I was preparing. The Lord gave me an excellent understanding of how the Shield of Faith is used in a corporate setting. When prayer has been requested by an individual, the above tortoise formation is in actuality used in the Spirit by the body of Christ. We put into service our shields believing with and protecting not only the one in need of prayer but also those praying with that person. This produces a Barrier of Faith in the Spirit that only the Lord Jesus can penetrate.
No other force on this earth can disrupt the power of Faith.
My prayer is that this would help you understand the major importance of Shield of Faith in the Tortoise Formation. Especially how it affects each one of us.... Why?.... because at one time or another each of us will be the one in need of prayer.