Multitasking Blood!
By Mark Flippo
We think we are good when we can multitask, but Jesus did the ultimate three-way work. First, He:
Luke 22:44
And in His anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
Second, He was whipped with a cat of nine tails. It had seven strips of leather and imbedded in the tip of each was a sharp rock or metal whatever could tear flesh from bone! Third was the crucifixion itself. Nails driven through the wrists which were considered part of the hands. He was nailed to the cross with it laying down and then being picked up and dropped into the hole that was dug for this purpose to inflict the maximum pain. All of the Gospels have an account of this horrible torture. His blood was shed three ways to give us all a way of escape not only of hell but also anything we could possibly experience in our lifetime. His blood is enough for everything we face.
By Mark Flippo
We think we are good when we can multitask, but Jesus did the ultimate three-way work. First, He:
Luke 22:44
And in His anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
Second, He was whipped with a cat of nine tails. It had seven strips of leather and imbedded in the tip of each was a sharp rock or metal whatever could tear flesh from bone! Third was the crucifixion itself. Nails driven through the wrists which were considered part of the hands. He was nailed to the cross with it laying down and then being picked up and dropped into the hole that was dug for this purpose to inflict the maximum pain. All of the Gospels have an account of this horrible torture. His blood was shed three ways to give us all a way of escape not only of hell but also anything we could possibly experience in our lifetime. His blood is enough for everything we face.