When You're Under The Weather
By Mark Flippo
We are all human and subject to the same laws of wellness. If we do not take care of our bodies they will break down and they show it by getting ill. If you tire your body out by burning the candle at both ends you will most likely catch a cold or flu. God has given us a brain that lets us know many things if we will just listen. God put into us safety measures so that we will be able to work for Him. You are not much help to others when you have a broken body. Now there are many that were born with defects. They have more hurdles to overcome but His Grace will be greater with them than you. Learn to slow down enough that you will hear that Gentle Voice telling you to rest! Love you'll! I am learning just like you!
By Mark Flippo
We are all human and subject to the same laws of wellness. If we do not take care of our bodies they will break down and they show it by getting ill. If you tire your body out by burning the candle at both ends you will most likely catch a cold or flu. God has given us a brain that lets us know many things if we will just listen. God put into us safety measures so that we will be able to work for Him. You are not much help to others when you have a broken body. Now there are many that were born with defects. They have more hurdles to overcome but His Grace will be greater with them than you. Learn to slow down enough that you will hear that Gentle Voice telling you to rest! Love you'll! I am learning just like you!