The Bible Gets Proved To Be True Again And Again.
By Mark Flippo
This is something I learned a few years back.
Resonant Frequency iis found everyday. From musical instruments to buildings to rocks. Yes rocks. Everything vibrates at a certain level. If you want to hear or destroy what is in front of you, just find the right sound level. Every earthquake brings destruction because of that vibration principle. You may have seen a soprano sing a high note that destroys glass. If you want your problems to be brought down, sing to God. He will bring the good vibrations to you.
By Mark Flippo
This is something I learned a few years back.
Resonant Frequency iis found everyday. From musical instruments to buildings to rocks. Yes rocks. Everything vibrates at a certain level. If you want to hear or destroy what is in front of you, just find the right sound level. Every earthquake brings destruction because of that vibration principle. You may have seen a soprano sing a high note that destroys glass. If you want your problems to be brought down, sing to God. He will bring the good vibrations to you.