The Family Unit Forever Changed
By Mark Flippo
Just since I have been alive, families have changed drastically. When children grew up some stayed with their parents. Many times, until their parents passed. They would receive the house in Thanks for all they had done for the elders before they passed. Nowadays, there is a lack of gratitude on the part of their offspring. This is a very rude world! Your kids that you have given all of your Love and finances to leave your home to never come back or for that matter never call you to see if their parents are well or even alive! I know many a parent that have cried many nights over just such an abandonment. Then the kids blame their problems on the parent that gave them so much!
Anyone out there know this to be true? You can teach them about God and His Love. Sadly, the only time God is mentioned by them is in swearing. Jesus, Thank You for giving us so much to hold onto. You must have a firm foundation in this day, or you will crumble when you are tested. God may have to tear down your existing foundation to rebuild you with the right rock. AMEN! You will go through a time that you wonder if you knew anything right. Oh, Dear God there is a Fountain of Truths that could be written into this lesson. But I must sign off for now. With great Love and tenderness toward all people. Mark
By Mark Flippo
Just since I have been alive, families have changed drastically. When children grew up some stayed with their parents. Many times, until their parents passed. They would receive the house in Thanks for all they had done for the elders before they passed. Nowadays, there is a lack of gratitude on the part of their offspring. This is a very rude world! Your kids that you have given all of your Love and finances to leave your home to never come back or for that matter never call you to see if their parents are well or even alive! I know many a parent that have cried many nights over just such an abandonment. Then the kids blame their problems on the parent that gave them so much!
Anyone out there know this to be true? You can teach them about God and His Love. Sadly, the only time God is mentioned by them is in swearing. Jesus, Thank You for giving us so much to hold onto. You must have a firm foundation in this day, or you will crumble when you are tested. God may have to tear down your existing foundation to rebuild you with the right rock. AMEN! You will go through a time that you wonder if you knew anything right. Oh, Dear God there is a Fountain of Truths that could be written into this lesson. But I must sign off for now. With great Love and tenderness toward all people. Mark