By Mark Flippo
I have never seen a sheep pig! Wow what a weird creation. Have you ever seen anything like this before? You will never see everything that God has created for us to learn about. Is there anything too hard for God? No, nothing that I have ever known. Trust Him, He can create a way out of your situation. His specialty is making something out of nothing. Ask of God what you need. Be Faithful about that request. It may take a while before you get an answer so don't quit early. The answer is just around the corner. Can you see just a small cloud in the sky like Elijah did? Now he is ready to rain down a blessing for you!
By Mark Flippo
I have never seen a sheep pig! Wow what a weird creation. Have you ever seen anything like this before? You will never see everything that God has created for us to learn about. Is there anything too hard for God? No, nothing that I have ever known. Trust Him, He can create a way out of your situation. His specialty is making something out of nothing. Ask of God what you need. Be Faithful about that request. It may take a while before you get an answer so don't quit early. The answer is just around the corner. Can you see just a small cloud in the sky like Elijah did? Now he is ready to rain down a blessing for you!