Praying Anywhere!
By Mark Flippo
1 Timothy 2:8-It is my will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting.
Do you have a favorite place you like to shut yourself up with Jesus? My wife has been using our spare bedroom for studying His word and praying. She puts her prayers in writing on the wall. Have you seen the movie "The War Room"? I recommend it very much. It was very moving. She has been dedicating more time than ever before to be with her Savior!
We all need to do so. We need to pray everywhere we go with everyone we meet when at all possible. There are so many attacks on Christians trying to cause us to fail, we need to push ourselves into His service like never before. Yours in Christ, Mark.
By Mark Flippo
1 Timothy 2:8-It is my will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting.
Do you have a favorite place you like to shut yourself up with Jesus? My wife has been using our spare bedroom for studying His word and praying. She puts her prayers in writing on the wall. Have you seen the movie "The War Room"? I recommend it very much. It was very moving. She has been dedicating more time than ever before to be with her Savior!
We all need to do so. We need to pray everywhere we go with everyone we meet when at all possible. There are so many attacks on Christians trying to cause us to fail, we need to push ourselves into His service like never before. Yours in Christ, Mark.