Getting Overwhelmed!
By Mark Flippo
There is no problem that the world can throw at you, that Heaven cannot solve! It is so easy to get overwhelmed. My wife and I are striving to keep the Faith through great adversity. What do you call it when your credit card is maxed out and your bank account has bottomed out? Having someone steel our I.D. is challenging at the very least. I doubt we are the only ones in that desperate shape. Any hands out there?
I am not surprised! With every level you attain in God you must pay a price for that growth! Sorry no free rides with God. In school you have to learn, though sometimes painfully, your lesson to go to the next grade! It is the same in His Spiritual Authority! It will give you a major workout in every area of your life, heart and mind! The fire gets hot, but it must purge you of what is not pleasing to God. I hate writing to myself! Hands up from the honest people in self-evaluation.
By Mark Flippo
There is no problem that the world can throw at you, that Heaven cannot solve! It is so easy to get overwhelmed. My wife and I are striving to keep the Faith through great adversity. What do you call it when your credit card is maxed out and your bank account has bottomed out? Having someone steel our I.D. is challenging at the very least. I doubt we are the only ones in that desperate shape. Any hands out there?
I am not surprised! With every level you attain in God you must pay a price for that growth! Sorry no free rides with God. In school you have to learn, though sometimes painfully, your lesson to go to the next grade! It is the same in His Spiritual Authority! It will give you a major workout in every area of your life, heart and mind! The fire gets hot, but it must purge you of what is not pleasing to God. I hate writing to myself! Hands up from the honest people in self-evaluation.