The promise of “arrival” and “rest” is still there for God’s people. God Himself is at rest. And at the end of the journey, we’ll surely rest with God. So let’s keep at it and eventually arrive.
Everybody I know has a friend or family member that is a workaholic. I have been in my younger days worked seven days a week to pay bills. That was not good for my health. There were times my sons were in trouble with the courts and I worked to pay lawyer bills. Lawyers are a greedy bunch. The point to this lesson is to all who work too much.
Cut back. My boys forgot as they grew, it was because of them I was working so much. They just remember me not being around much to play ball with them. They have held that against me at one time or another. Don't forget Dads and Moms they need you just as bad to be close so that their bonding with you will be strong! Make sure and take that family vacation at least once a year.
Everybody I know has a friend or family member that is a workaholic. I have been in my younger days worked seven days a week to pay bills. That was not good for my health. There were times my sons were in trouble with the courts and I worked to pay lawyer bills. Lawyers are a greedy bunch. The point to this lesson is to all who work too much.
Cut back. My boys forgot as they grew, it was because of them I was working so much. They just remember me not being around much to play ball with them. They have held that against me at one time or another. Don't forget Dads and Moms they need you just as bad to be close so that their bonding with you will be strong! Make sure and take that family vacation at least once a year.