Imaginative Creations
By Mark Flippo
Mythology has some strange animals in it. Mankind has always had a very active imagination. God is the one with the best creativeness. He has the power to back up anything that He thinks of. Above are some made up animals. Next you see a real Naked Mole Rat. This creature lives its entire life underground. It can walk backwards just as easy as forwards.
By Mark Flippo
Mythology has some strange animals in it. Mankind has always had a very active imagination. God is the one with the best creativeness. He has the power to back up anything that He thinks of. Above are some made up animals. Next you see a real Naked Mole Rat. This creature lives its entire life underground. It can walk backwards just as easy as forwards.
God has been very good to us. He has given us animals to help us in almost every area. We have those that we kill for food. Some, like the sheep provide us cloth to cover ourselves with. He provides us with everything we need. It is a shame that so many fall pray to gluttony. The Hebrews did the same thing and look where that got them. Manna was only to be taken enough for your family for that day. It spoiled overnight and stunk up their tents. Be careful what you do and why you do things a certain way. We have enough, if you feel you do not have what you need, bring it to the Lord in prayer and let Him help you understand why He knows you have enough.