An Apology Is Not Weakness!
By Mark Flippo
James 5:16
Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.
Confess your sins does not mean to go to a friend or anybody else to tell them, you just did you know what, with you know whom! I am sure there are many that are grateful for that stress reliever.
This just does not get you off the hook with Jesus our Savior!
Weakness leads to the apology! Many times we get the cart before the horse. Just picture that, a horse trying to push the cart. Not gonna work. To many, especially men have a problem feeling they are week if the apologise. It is when we are week that we can be strong enough men so we can apologize. We can make a bad situation better if only we will remember that Jesus showed us a right spirit all the time. Are we better than Him? NO! Learn to man up and apologize to your wife, or one you're engaged to, and girlfriends. Let us treat each other like Jesus would.
By Mark Flippo
James 5:16
Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.
Confess your sins does not mean to go to a friend or anybody else to tell them, you just did you know what, with you know whom! I am sure there are many that are grateful for that stress reliever.
This just does not get you off the hook with Jesus our Savior!
Weakness leads to the apology! Many times we get the cart before the horse. Just picture that, a horse trying to push the cart. Not gonna work. To many, especially men have a problem feeling they are week if the apologise. It is when we are week that we can be strong enough men so we can apologize. We can make a bad situation better if only we will remember that Jesus showed us a right spirit all the time. Are we better than Him? NO! Learn to man up and apologize to your wife, or one you're engaged to, and girlfriends. Let us treat each other like Jesus would.