Just A little Crabby!
By Mark Flippo
This is a Japanese Spider Crab.
2 Timothy 2:24 ESV
And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil,....
The photo is just to empathize an emotion we can all have from time to time. Women please do not get offended but your monthly is a legit reason for some fluctuations. Yes men, we can vary because of being in front of the firing squad during those times. We Love you dearly but a smart man runs away fast and takes his kids with him. Just try to be kinder and sweeter guys.
God did call them the weaker vessel but if you have half a brain do not throw that scripture at her during those times. When people are stressed they can get a little short in their voice. You do not mean to but it just happens.
If you feel yourself being easily irritated just pray and ask God to help you understand why you are feeling this way. Let Him soothe the savage beast within! He has been at it for thousands of years!
By Mark Flippo
This is a Japanese Spider Crab.
2 Timothy 2:24 ESV
And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil,....
The photo is just to empathize an emotion we can all have from time to time. Women please do not get offended but your monthly is a legit reason for some fluctuations. Yes men, we can vary because of being in front of the firing squad during those times. We Love you dearly but a smart man runs away fast and takes his kids with him. Just try to be kinder and sweeter guys.
God did call them the weaker vessel but if you have half a brain do not throw that scripture at her during those times. When people are stressed they can get a little short in their voice. You do not mean to but it just happens.
If you feel yourself being easily irritated just pray and ask God to help you understand why you are feeling this way. Let Him soothe the savage beast within! He has been at it for thousands of years!