Are You A Real Christian?
By Mark Flippo
Being a Christian is more than the things you say. It is really about what you do. Would you shovel off your neighbors stoop/steps? Would you help them when they need you? Have you ever been asked to help them and you said no? I know I used my snow blower to do my walk as well as my neighbors.
Have you offered to help a friend move even though your heart was not in it? We all find ourselves in situations that are not always pleasant. Whether you help or not is based partly on your Christianity. At time your health will be a part of that decision. Make sure you say yes for the right reason. Make sure you are not just doing it for the thanks. If you are looking for notoriety that is the wrong motivation. Make sure your heart is pure and your hands free from blame.
By Mark Flippo
Being a Christian is more than the things you say. It is really about what you do. Would you shovel off your neighbors stoop/steps? Would you help them when they need you? Have you ever been asked to help them and you said no? I know I used my snow blower to do my walk as well as my neighbors.
Have you offered to help a friend move even though your heart was not in it? We all find ourselves in situations that are not always pleasant. Whether you help or not is based partly on your Christianity. At time your health will be a part of that decision. Make sure you say yes for the right reason. Make sure you are not just doing it for the thanks. If you are looking for notoriety that is the wrong motivation. Make sure your heart is pure and your hands free from blame.