When We Know Not To Touch!
By Mark Flippo
Colossians 2:21 “Touch not; taste not; handle not;”
This is a puffer fish whose poking needle like spines are poisonous!
We learn a lot when we are toddlers. Do not touch should be made into an MP3 file and hung around a toddlers neck to play all the time! I am sure there would still be mistakes that may leave a red mark or scar. How many things have the children around you get burnt on or made a mess by pulling it onto the floor?
I doubt anyone could count all of the things kids have put in their mouth that brought them into the ER. As a parent you do the best you can but when they start walking it is amazing how fast they can move when you leave the room. Toys up their noses and no telling what is in their ears. Well adults I would like to say we do better than a toddler.
Sadly you might be surprised that adults do worse things. We should stay away from sin but we can tend to have a short circuit in our brains. The very things that the Bible says you are not to touch, we do! At times some sin is by accident. Most of the time however we do it anyway even though we feel that impression from God we should not. Has this been honest enough for you? Lord help us do better at obeying your Voice of Reason.
By Mark Flippo
Colossians 2:21 “Touch not; taste not; handle not;”
This is a puffer fish whose poking needle like spines are poisonous!
We learn a lot when we are toddlers. Do not touch should be made into an MP3 file and hung around a toddlers neck to play all the time! I am sure there would still be mistakes that may leave a red mark or scar. How many things have the children around you get burnt on or made a mess by pulling it onto the floor?
I doubt anyone could count all of the things kids have put in their mouth that brought them into the ER. As a parent you do the best you can but when they start walking it is amazing how fast they can move when you leave the room. Toys up their noses and no telling what is in their ears. Well adults I would like to say we do better than a toddler.
Sadly you might be surprised that adults do worse things. We should stay away from sin but we can tend to have a short circuit in our brains. The very things that the Bible says you are not to touch, we do! At times some sin is by accident. Most of the time however we do it anyway even though we feel that impression from God we should not. Has this been honest enough for you? Lord help us do better at obeying your Voice of Reason.