Shortcuts Kill
By Mark Flippo
Modern homes burn 8 times faster than 50 years ago. "Typically, 50 years ago, if a wool or cotton sofa was on fire you didn't see the wool or cotton sofa drip," Windsor Fire and Rescue chief training officer Paul Acton said. "So, what you now see is the synthetic material dripping. It's the oils; that's what all of the studies are finding leads to rapid fire spread and rapid combustion." Kissner said today's house fires produce 200 times the amount of smoke that a fire would have 50 years ago.
I am afraid we are killing ourselves with all of the new things we buy. Because of taking shortcuts in the making of most things we have today, we have shortened our ability to get out alive in a fire. Since this is the case you need to live closer to God than you ever have before. You must be able to hear that Still Small Voice when He is warning us. Too many have their senses dulled by all of the distractions these days. Please ask God to show you where you are with Him. Then do something about it. Live closer to Him or die in your insensitivity. Your choice!
By Mark Flippo
Modern homes burn 8 times faster than 50 years ago. "Typically, 50 years ago, if a wool or cotton sofa was on fire you didn't see the wool or cotton sofa drip," Windsor Fire and Rescue chief training officer Paul Acton said. "So, what you now see is the synthetic material dripping. It's the oils; that's what all of the studies are finding leads to rapid fire spread and rapid combustion." Kissner said today's house fires produce 200 times the amount of smoke that a fire would have 50 years ago.
I am afraid we are killing ourselves with all of the new things we buy. Because of taking shortcuts in the making of most things we have today, we have shortened our ability to get out alive in a fire. Since this is the case you need to live closer to God than you ever have before. You must be able to hear that Still Small Voice when He is warning us. Too many have their senses dulled by all of the distractions these days. Please ask God to show you where you are with Him. Then do something about it. Live closer to Him or die in your insensitivity. Your choice!