Is Your Time Drawing Near?
By Mark Flippo
The character above is used in folklore of many countries. The Grim Reaper represents death to so many. In Truth there is a Death Angel that comes for you in real life. They know ahead of time as to which direction you get escorted to. There are many of them that do this for our God. One leader but many under his command. Do not live in fear. Make sure you have repented and been baptized in Jesus name as the scriptures say. Do all in the name of Jesus. Then make sure you get filled with His Holy Spirit with a sign that you are His now by speaking in your prayer language. He gives you a very personal language that others will not understand. He sets you free from guilt and any other thing that would have kept you bound to the ground!
By Mark Flippo
The character above is used in folklore of many countries. The Grim Reaper represents death to so many. In Truth there is a Death Angel that comes for you in real life. They know ahead of time as to which direction you get escorted to. There are many of them that do this for our God. One leader but many under his command. Do not live in fear. Make sure you have repented and been baptized in Jesus name as the scriptures say. Do all in the name of Jesus. Then make sure you get filled with His Holy Spirit with a sign that you are His now by speaking in your prayer language. He gives you a very personal language that others will not understand. He sets you free from guilt and any other thing that would have kept you bound to the ground!