Has Your Heart Turned To Stone?
By Mark Flippo
Australian Stonefish.
This is one ugly fish. I guess that is one way God is showing us what we look like to Him when our hearts turn to stone. We are not pleasant in His sight. He gives us chance after chance to make things right with Him. Some will, but to those that do not, I feel very sorry for them. What in your life do you think is insurmountable that you can not get right with Jesus? You may have failed Jesus time and time again.
Just get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself because you failed. We all fail from time to time. Do not let the devil get you down. Jesus did not come into this world to condemn it but to save it. If you are feeling guilty, that is coming from your own mind or the devil, not God! Learn to listen to the Still Small Voice of God! He is the only one you should listen to. Tell the devil to take a hike. Jesus will lift you up, The devil will bring you down. Which way are you feeling? That will let you know who you are listening to!
By Mark Flippo
Australian Stonefish.
This is one ugly fish. I guess that is one way God is showing us what we look like to Him when our hearts turn to stone. We are not pleasant in His sight. He gives us chance after chance to make things right with Him. Some will, but to those that do not, I feel very sorry for them. What in your life do you think is insurmountable that you can not get right with Jesus? You may have failed Jesus time and time again.
Just get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself because you failed. We all fail from time to time. Do not let the devil get you down. Jesus did not come into this world to condemn it but to save it. If you are feeling guilty, that is coming from your own mind or the devil, not God! Learn to listen to the Still Small Voice of God! He is the only one you should listen to. Tell the devil to take a hike. Jesus will lift you up, The devil will bring you down. Which way are you feeling? That will let you know who you are listening to!