The Importance Of The Lowly!
Shared BY Mark Flippo
Written By George Warnock
This one is a little longer but extremely important. Please read!
We are all familiar with the story of the Passover, and particularly with the phrase: "When I see the Blood, I will pass over you." And honoring the Blood of the Lamb that was slain has been throughout the generations of the Church the key to our Redemption.
But how was the blood to be applied? "Ye shall take a bunch of hyssops…"
A temple would be built of Cedar in the centuries that lay ahead: cedar that was cut from the lofty mountains of Lebanon, shaped and fitted together for boards and timbers and beams, But the humble little hyssop that could not make boast of greatness or of strength would become, in the purposes of God, the instrument in the hands of the elders of Israel for the applying of the blood of the Passover Lamb.
Why the hyssop? Because it was so insignificant and ordinary... and easily within the reach of all.
God would have us to know that no man is excluded from His grace because of what he lacks in himself.
Nor is he excused because of what he lacks by nature; or because of environment, upbringing, background, social stature, weakness, poverty, or ignorance.
We might accuse ourselves because of these things or excuse ourselves for our lack of them.
But God would have us to know that... if there be in the standards of men such distinctions that would make some to be superior to others, then if he would know the covering of the Blood he must apply the Blood by the same token as his lowly brother. He must use the "hyssop."
It is just a lowly shrub. It is a bitter herb and is known to have certain medicinal properties. It has purplish flowers--beautiful in its own right… low growing, and fragrant... if one would stoop low enough to appreciate it.