Who Is This?
By Mark Flippo
Luke 2:46
After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.
How would you react if a child came and stood before you and explained to you things you only wondered about? They must have sat with their mouths open. He gave them a lot of food for thought. They had to reexamine themselves to see if they were right in their beliefs. Have you ever had to stop and examine what you believe in? We have and it was a very hard time for us. So many things we had been taught were from man and not God. Some were good and still remain. God stripped away what was not pleasing to Him. Thank God for Truth that Truly sets you free! Ask God to show you anything inside of you that does not please Him. Then let Him remove it all and make you strong and right in His sight.
By Mark Flippo
Luke 2:46
After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.
How would you react if a child came and stood before you and explained to you things you only wondered about? They must have sat with their mouths open. He gave them a lot of food for thought. They had to reexamine themselves to see if they were right in their beliefs. Have you ever had to stop and examine what you believe in? We have and it was a very hard time for us. So many things we had been taught were from man and not God. Some were good and still remain. God stripped away what was not pleasing to Him. Thank God for Truth that Truly sets you free! Ask God to show you anything inside of you that does not please Him. Then let Him remove it all and make you strong and right in His sight.