Woman: The Wheel Is Yours!
By Marian Flippo
Jesus did have a number of women among His larger circle of disciples (Matthew 27:55-56, Mark 15:40-41, Luke 8:1-3, 23:49, John 20:14-18)
A number of women held important positions in the early Christian churches (Acts 1:12-14, 18:24-26, 21:7-9, Romans 16:1-16).
Woman have always played an important role in the ministry and lineage of Christ. The Word states in Galatians 3:28: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Then why do so many people have trouble with women that are in charge of a congregation? If the Lord Jesus Himself stated we are all the same in Christ, then why do some speak against it?
We are all important in His sight. We all can be victorious. Whether a man or a woman speaks the gospel, souls are won to God. Let us not be so narrow minded, we are all workers together.
Appreciate what every member of the body of Christ is contributing. The very loved one that you are praying for just may be the very one converted after hearing the Word under a woman preacher, evangelist or teacher.
Women be humble before the Lord and do His work. Read your Bible, God also gave women the wheel and guides us too!