Dear God, Please Help Us!
By Mark Flippo
Psalms 34:17 - [The righteous] cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
Our precious ones, called babies to children can work on our last nerve. I am not sure how many last nerves we have but it must be a bunch. I know my wife and I have said that at least a hundred times while our boys were growing up. Any of you have that number beat? For any family that has multiple births to deal with, please Jesus bless your efforts and may He help you keep your sanity! Any family that has more than one teen at a time, may you keep your temper in check!
It seems moms with girls and men with boys seem to have the most conflicts!! Any Amen's out there? I hear you! I think Heaven must have shook with all of the "Amen's"! God says He will never put more on us than we can bear. Somehow we were never on the same page about what I can bear! I now have no hair on top because I pulled it all out! May God be with all of you on your endeavor to raise your children to live right. Grand kids are much easier! Thank God!
By Mark Flippo
Psalms 34:17 - [The righteous] cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
Our precious ones, called babies to children can work on our last nerve. I am not sure how many last nerves we have but it must be a bunch. I know my wife and I have said that at least a hundred times while our boys were growing up. Any of you have that number beat? For any family that has multiple births to deal with, please Jesus bless your efforts and may He help you keep your sanity! Any family that has more than one teen at a time, may you keep your temper in check!
It seems moms with girls and men with boys seem to have the most conflicts!! Any Amen's out there? I hear you! I think Heaven must have shook with all of the "Amen's"! God says He will never put more on us than we can bear. Somehow we were never on the same page about what I can bear! I now have no hair on top because I pulled it all out! May God be with all of you on your endeavor to raise your children to live right. Grand kids are much easier! Thank God!