Are You A Prisoner In Your Own Body
Shared By Mark Flippo
Written by Robert Laughlin ...
I remember as a young Christian; God gave me a dream. In the dream, where my rib cage was located, there were bars. Inside the bars, was Jesus looking out (from behind the bars). In other words, Jesus was bound inside of me.
In another dream, Jesus spoke these words, “I will thoroughly purge my floor.” Later on, understanding came, and I realized that Christ living in me and he wants to flow out (from inside of us).
He desires to release these living waters to the world - life.
I remember reading a book called “The Release of the Spirit,” by Watchman Née that completely changed my life. He explained how sometimes God will use whatever method he chooses to cause a breaking to come into our life that usually is not pleasant to go through. But the breaking in our soul causes a release of the inner man (Christ), to be released. Jesus had his breaking in the Garden of Gethsemane. His sweat became as drops of blood - agony.
The Spirit of Truth is refining a people to become as he is.
I John 4(17), “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.
The Apostle Paul said he was a man born out of due season. He wrote and saw that a people (Sons of God) that would manifest the fullness of God - not to bring attention to themselves, but to glorify God. He never walked in the fullness, but he helped write the blueprint for us to know God’s plan for each of us.
Shared By Mark Flippo
Written by Robert Laughlin ...
I remember as a young Christian; God gave me a dream. In the dream, where my rib cage was located, there were bars. Inside the bars, was Jesus looking out (from behind the bars). In other words, Jesus was bound inside of me.
In another dream, Jesus spoke these words, “I will thoroughly purge my floor.” Later on, understanding came, and I realized that Christ living in me and he wants to flow out (from inside of us).
He desires to release these living waters to the world - life.
I remember reading a book called “The Release of the Spirit,” by Watchman Née that completely changed my life. He explained how sometimes God will use whatever method he chooses to cause a breaking to come into our life that usually is not pleasant to go through. But the breaking in our soul causes a release of the inner man (Christ), to be released. Jesus had his breaking in the Garden of Gethsemane. His sweat became as drops of blood - agony.
The Spirit of Truth is refining a people to become as he is.
I John 4(17), “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.
The Apostle Paul said he was a man born out of due season. He wrote and saw that a people (Sons of God) that would manifest the fullness of God - not to bring attention to themselves, but to glorify God. He never walked in the fullness, but he helped write the blueprint for us to know God’s plan for each of us.