A Truck Snow Angel
By Mark Flippo
Do you remember playing in the snow? Building a fort and then having snowball fights. Digging tunnels through the snow. So much fun. Nowadays I leave that to the grand kids! Frozen fingers and toes are for the very young. We do not always spring back as fast as we did back then. You can see this truck is getting towed onto a flatbed truck. I hope they walked away from this and remembered to Thank the One that made all things. This is a time of year we need to do a lot of praying. Too many seniors fall and break parts that are not so fast to heal. May the Good Lord protect us from all things slippery. May we take this time of being home more to study and put God's Holy Word into our hearts!
By Mark Flippo
Do you remember playing in the snow? Building a fort and then having snowball fights. Digging tunnels through the snow. So much fun. Nowadays I leave that to the grand kids! Frozen fingers and toes are for the very young. We do not always spring back as fast as we did back then. You can see this truck is getting towed onto a flatbed truck. I hope they walked away from this and remembered to Thank the One that made all things. This is a time of year we need to do a lot of praying. Too many seniors fall and break parts that are not so fast to heal. May the Good Lord protect us from all things slippery. May we take this time of being home more to study and put God's Holy Word into our hearts!