God's Gives A Clearer Understanding!
By Mark Flippo
Matthew 11:30 (NIV) For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
During Sunday School, God quickened this scripture to me!
He then started to open my understanding what He meant in this portion of scripture. He started out with the yoke. It's purpose is to keep the team going at the same speed. There must be unity or nothing gets done. Also those that are yoked together must be about the same size. The leaders are in the front.
You can have many pulling the weight of the load. There is a balance when setting the team together. They must have the same goal in mind. The Children of God must work together for the Kingdom or else so many will be lost forever. We know the load is the saving of souls. Every spiritual gift can be brought into play when the strength of togetherness is working the way it should! Are you part of a team?
By Mark Flippo
Matthew 11:30 (NIV) For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
During Sunday School, God quickened this scripture to me!
He then started to open my understanding what He meant in this portion of scripture. He started out with the yoke. It's purpose is to keep the team going at the same speed. There must be unity or nothing gets done. Also those that are yoked together must be about the same size. The leaders are in the front.
You can have many pulling the weight of the load. There is a balance when setting the team together. They must have the same goal in mind. The Children of God must work together for the Kingdom or else so many will be lost forever. We know the load is the saving of souls. Every spiritual gift can be brought into play when the strength of togetherness is working the way it should! Are you part of a team?