Does Jesus Really Love You?
By Mark Flippo
Romans 5:8 ESV
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Jeremiah 31:3 ESV
...... I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
I have heard so many say "How can God Love me?" "My sins are to great to be forgiven of them!" Those excuses come from satan and they are lies! God did not come for those that think they have everything together. He came for the broken, troubled, weak, and the one that is lonely! Do you see yourself in this group? Then your in good company. Every true Christian has been in one of those groups before our Merciful God reached down and took their hands and brought them out of darkness.
I know people that have been delivered from hard core porn addiction. Many have come out of drugs of every kind! Alcoholics have been set free by His Spirit! There is nothing that God will not do for anyone that seeks Him with the right spirit and an honest heart! Please call on Him in private if you can do that. I know He hears prayers from any in a crowd that just does not want to continue doing what they have been. Reach out to Him silently or out loud. The person drowning screams the loudest!
By Mark Flippo
Romans 5:8 ESV
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Jeremiah 31:3 ESV
...... I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
I have heard so many say "How can God Love me?" "My sins are to great to be forgiven of them!" Those excuses come from satan and they are lies! God did not come for those that think they have everything together. He came for the broken, troubled, weak, and the one that is lonely! Do you see yourself in this group? Then your in good company. Every true Christian has been in one of those groups before our Merciful God reached down and took their hands and brought them out of darkness.
I know people that have been delivered from hard core porn addiction. Many have come out of drugs of every kind! Alcoholics have been set free by His Spirit! There is nothing that God will not do for anyone that seeks Him with the right spirit and an honest heart! Please call on Him in private if you can do that. I know He hears prayers from any in a crowd that just does not want to continue doing what they have been. Reach out to Him silently or out loud. The person drowning screams the loudest!