At The Mention Of His Name!
By Mark Flippo
Isaiah 65:24 (ESV)
Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.
Oh my goodness that log is headed right for her head! I hope she reacted fast and laid over onto the other seat. WOW! Did she yell out her Saviors name? If she did it might end differently. When you are moments from death are you ready to meet your Savior? Have you lived your life for the cause of Christ? Have you made out a will? Do your children know all of the numbers to reach your family in case of death?
Do you have unfinished business? Did you make things right with anyone that you just had an argument with? This happens all the time. An accident takes a family member away you wish you have made things right with them. If only can eat away at you when you can no longer make it right. Live your life so you will not have so many regrets!
By Mark Flippo
Isaiah 65:24 (ESV)
Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.
Oh my goodness that log is headed right for her head! I hope she reacted fast and laid over onto the other seat. WOW! Did she yell out her Saviors name? If she did it might end differently. When you are moments from death are you ready to meet your Savior? Have you lived your life for the cause of Christ? Have you made out a will? Do your children know all of the numbers to reach your family in case of death?
Do you have unfinished business? Did you make things right with anyone that you just had an argument with? This happens all the time. An accident takes a family member away you wish you have made things right with them. If only can eat away at you when you can no longer make it right. Live your life so you will not have so many regrets!