Cart Before The Horse?
By Mark Flippo
If you missed it the first time around reread the line below breaking news. Boy can we make some doozies of mistakes at times! Have you ever looked at something you did and you know something is off but you just don't see it at first? I have many times. I used to work with commercial film. I learned to read upside down and backwards. I was good at it. Now I am really out of practice since I retired. Making a mistake is an everyday event.
No matter how good we are at our jobs, we have not reached perfection. Don't give up trying. We make mistakes raising children. Every honest parent admits to some pain they have in their hearts about a decision they made. We can not take them back. Only thing you can do is apologize. If they accept it you have gained ground with that relationship. If they hold it against you just pray until God releases your conscience from the guilt you carry! He will help you! He Loves you!
By Mark Flippo
If you missed it the first time around reread the line below breaking news. Boy can we make some doozies of mistakes at times! Have you ever looked at something you did and you know something is off but you just don't see it at first? I have many times. I used to work with commercial film. I learned to read upside down and backwards. I was good at it. Now I am really out of practice since I retired. Making a mistake is an everyday event.
No matter how good we are at our jobs, we have not reached perfection. Don't give up trying. We make mistakes raising children. Every honest parent admits to some pain they have in their hearts about a decision they made. We can not take them back. Only thing you can do is apologize. If they accept it you have gained ground with that relationship. If they hold it against you just pray until God releases your conscience from the guilt you carry! He will help you! He Loves you!