Following The Right Road!
By Mark Flippo
This is an answer for your deliverance from your hard times!
Sometimes evil people are in control of your job. Your responsibility is to work fairly and not excuse yourself because they are doing wrong. Pray for them. You do not know their whole life's story most of the time.
They need help if you see all manner of evil going on with them. Show forth the attributes of God to them consistently and shine His Love so that their souls can be touched and they want what you have also! You never really know who is watching you and check to see if you put your actions where your mouth is!
Shine out for God whether you are the only one at your work or you have many Christians friends there. When there are many you need to try even harder. Because, so many do not follow through what they say on Sunday!
By Mark Flippo
This is an answer for your deliverance from your hard times!
Sometimes evil people are in control of your job. Your responsibility is to work fairly and not excuse yourself because they are doing wrong. Pray for them. You do not know their whole life's story most of the time.
They need help if you see all manner of evil going on with them. Show forth the attributes of God to them consistently and shine His Love so that their souls can be touched and they want what you have also! You never really know who is watching you and check to see if you put your actions where your mouth is!
Shine out for God whether you are the only one at your work or you have many Christians friends there. When there are many you need to try even harder. Because, so many do not follow through what they say on Sunday!