What A Boring World!
By Mark Flippo
If we all sing the same note, we can not have harmony! I have talked to a multitude about what is right with what they believe.
I guess this was a big surprise. That God HImself keeps track of every soul and He and only He alone directs in matters of salvation.
This one may have been founded on a small nugget of Truth! Another may have something that was added to theirs. Then there are those that think they know everything! How many of that kind have you met? God is in charge of all of the sound coming from His Earth. We now know it is called Resonance Frequency. Every rock on this earth vibrates at a certain level. When we have major earthquakes some sound has interrupted their particular pitch.
To verify that I am telling the truth this is short article on this subject.
The resonance is the oscillation (up-and-down or back-and-forth motion) caused by a seismic wave. During an earthquake, buildings oscillate. If the frequency of this oscillation is close to the natural frequency of the building, resonance may cause severe damage.
Remember Jericho, the walls fell down! Marching vibrations and sound from the trumpets brought is down. It is used when designing buildings. Be careful with your spiritual life. The sounds that you listen to can build you up or tear you down. Truth builds and untruths tear down.
By Mark Flippo
If we all sing the same note, we can not have harmony! I have talked to a multitude about what is right with what they believe.
I guess this was a big surprise. That God HImself keeps track of every soul and He and only He alone directs in matters of salvation.
This one may have been founded on a small nugget of Truth! Another may have something that was added to theirs. Then there are those that think they know everything! How many of that kind have you met? God is in charge of all of the sound coming from His Earth. We now know it is called Resonance Frequency. Every rock on this earth vibrates at a certain level. When we have major earthquakes some sound has interrupted their particular pitch.
To verify that I am telling the truth this is short article on this subject.
The resonance is the oscillation (up-and-down or back-and-forth motion) caused by a seismic wave. During an earthquake, buildings oscillate. If the frequency of this oscillation is close to the natural frequency of the building, resonance may cause severe damage.
Remember Jericho, the walls fell down! Marching vibrations and sound from the trumpets brought is down. It is used when designing buildings. Be careful with your spiritual life. The sounds that you listen to can build you up or tear you down. Truth builds and untruths tear down.