Isaiah 33:6 6-He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear(in this case fear means Respect) of the LORD is the key to this treasure.
Today it seems everything is attacking our home and us personally. Have you ever experienced a time when you felt like everything is against you and you just want to scream! If it is not your partner, it's your kids or your work. It seems that everyone and everything is being unreasonable! I just need a break!!!!! Screaming into a pillow can be effective! You just want to explode! When you feel that overwhelmed, you definitely need Jesus to step in and take control. The only way He will do that is to find a spot, even if it is the closet, and get on your knees and cry out to God for the help you need! Your family will survive without you for a time. Single parents my heart goes out to you. There are more and more of you out there, You really need a place to get alone with God and pray until you can cry no more. Then stop, take some time to listen. That is the part that will take time to learn. He comes to you in a gentle way. Your answer may come from a friend, of all things someone may say a word that you know is just for you, even an enemy can say something good. Love you keep on moving. Stop looking back, yes you!