Never Forget!
By Mark Flippo
1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Is this True or what? There are those that get full of themselves and forget they sin just as much as anyone else. We need Jesus everyday in our lives. We must have His guidance help us to make the right decisions. I admit to Him daily that I would be lost without Him. We all must ask Humbly to receive His blessings and a Gentle Hands leading us along. Let Him carry you when that is needed. We all fail horribly and must have our Father carry and bind up our wounds so we can be healed to become stronger Christians! Like the old song says "Lean on His everlasting arms!"
By Mark Flippo
1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Is this True or what? There are those that get full of themselves and forget they sin just as much as anyone else. We need Jesus everyday in our lives. We must have His guidance help us to make the right decisions. I admit to Him daily that I would be lost without Him. We all must ask Humbly to receive His blessings and a Gentle Hands leading us along. Let Him carry you when that is needed. We all fail horribly and must have our Father carry and bind up our wounds so we can be healed to become stronger Christians! Like the old song says "Lean on His everlasting arms!"